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Innovation Type - technique

Potential beneficiaries - amateur and commercial-scale bee-farms, farm service centers and farm stores


Invention refers to beekeeping activity and can be used to obtaining propolis. The technique recommends irritating the bees with Vishnevsky oilment that is applied to the upper part of the hives. Collecting the propolis from the hive ensures about 84,96 grams or not less than 15,4 g of propolis per one session. The traditional techniques prescribes to cut the propolis with a special beekeeping tool that permits obtaining about 53,17 g per beekeeping season or about 1,68 – 10,6 g per session.
The proposed procedure allows to obtain 59,8 % higher yields of propolis and 10,8 – 11,07% more honey compared to traditional technology.


  • Obtaining additional 31,79 gram of propolis and 5,49 kg of honey from a bee colony compared to traditional beekeeping methodology;
  • Increasing the obtained profits by Lei 678,4 per each colony that has a marketing value of Lei 2,265,1.

Current stage of development -

Desired collaboration - Marketing, partnership, investments

Invention Title: Obtaining propolis (bee glue)
Holder: Eremia Nicolae, Dabija Tatiana
Authors: Eremia Nicolae, Dabija Tatiana
Brevet: 2442
Priority date: 21.08.2003
Address: 44 Mirceºti str., Chisinau, Moldova
Contact telephone 43 – 23 - 80
Email: tatianadabija@rambler.ru

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