Innovation Type - Technology
Potential beneficiaries - Naval Construction Enterprises, Bridge Construction Enterprises, Hydro-technical Constructions, Energetic Industry, Meat and Milk processing Industry..
This invention refers to a special protection method of constructional metals against corrosion and can be applied by the naval construction, bridge construction, hydro-technical construction, the energetic industry and industry of meat and milk processing.
The procedure according to this innovation includes measuring the stationary potential of metals in aggressive environment, determining the value of the protection potential that equals the potential of charge inversion of the metal surface and metal application and preserving the protection potential chosen at the current external source. The value of the protection potential is determined while polarizing the metal system aggressive environment with a periodic current and retour impulse. It also relates to the rapid adjournment of the external polarizing circuit while the tour and retour impulses while the current circulates, to the production of the time variance curves of the potential and the registration of the potential at the meeting point of the curves, according to the spontaneous decrease of the potentials due to current tour and retour current impulses.
- Increased by 3 times the protection degree of construction metals against corrosion;
- Decreased metal waste;
- Lowered electro-energetic costs by 5 times compared to the protection method based on cathode;
- Diminished pipe maintenance costs by 50%;
- Reduced environment pollution.
Current stage of development - Available on the market
Where was applied - Chișinău Gaz; to be implemented by Gazprom, Russia.
Desired collaboration - Dealers, Investments. |