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Innovation Type - procedure

Potential beneficiaries - vegetable growers, farm service centers, farm stores, vegetable packing houses or other storage facilities.


The invention is about storing fresh tomatoes through cooling in special equipped water reservoirs and extending their storage life through slowing down the ripening processes after harvest. The storage techniques used presently requires refrigeration to ensure optimal temperatures, high energy costs and application of some gas substances during the storage processes.
The new techniques prescribes to cool the tomatoes, pack them into a package consisting of two parts, evacuate the air from inside the pack and sealing them, and then store in water reservoirs. This technique can be implemented in close and convenient proximity with the production fields and used package reduces the gas consumption rate and maintains the quality characteristics of the tomatoes: 92% of all the stored product is of superior quality.


  • majorarea duratei de pastrare a tomatelor cca. 120 zile;
  • mentinerea caracteristicilor calitative ale tomatelor;
  • reducerea cheltuielilor de energie electrica suportate pentru pastrare, in comparatie cu racirea tomatelor in camere de frigider;
  • obtinerea unor produse ecologic pure;
  • lichidarea conservantilor in procesul de pastrare a tomatelor.

Current stage of development -

Desired collaboration - Marketing, financial assistance

Invention Title: Fresh tomato storage procedure
Holder: Mihaes Vladimir
Authors: Mihaes Vladimir
Brevet: 2807
Priority date: 01.03.2004
Address: or. Cimislia, str. Stefan cel Mare 142, ap. 48
Contact telephone /241/ 2 31 88,
Email: dionmi1@yahoo.com

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